Nice write-up as usual, Florian, and an interesting change of direction for the company

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Very interesting pick, Florian.

I owned DUOT for a long time, being fascinated by their RIP technology. But this business never really got off the ground. Plus I was disappointed several times by them missing their guidance. This led me to not having much confidence in their management competencies. After all, their bottom line really currently does not look fantastic, to put it mildly. So I decided late last year to sell my shares. I was not sure if they would be able to profitably manage the now much more complex business. Actually it is 3 businesses, I would say.

On the other hand, the 2 new business lines could be real winners, especially with the AI boom and their strategy to target local / regional customers. And your article led me also to have a fresh look at the company, of course. So I have not decided yet if I should buy again. But if so, I will start with a small position and then at least wait for Q4 results, probably better Q1.

Anyway, thanks again for your inspiration to have a fresh look.

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Thanks for sharing the story Max.

DUOT has obviously been a huge disappointment and I would be careful as well with your background in the stock. But at the same time that is exactly where the opportunity is in my opinion. The involvement of Fortress is just such a huge validation to me and the upcoming guidance should surprise the market.

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